Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Underdog..

In class we discussed how the worst characters, or the fools always had the best lines in the play. For example, Lysander on page 260 Line 140 talks of lightning, and these lines are extremely important and fundamental in the play... they signify lightning lighting up things, so that we may see how things truly are for just a moment.. and then things return to darkness... Or even the character Bottom gets substantial lines...Edgar from King Lear has the most important speech on page 1600...why does William give the best lines to the most unlikely  characters? Perhaps he enjoyed bringing that element of surprise to his audience, it was another element of a play within a play.. perhaps he was an underdog during his time and understand the importance of an opportunity for redemption. He worked with this sense of 'Stichomythia' or the underdogs one liners that continued to get better in meaning with each passing generation..

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