Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What do we need... versus What do we want..

I dont think there is a simple answer to this question... it can vary from person to person... and things we believe we need could just be things we want... we need food, air, water, etc. One could argue that we dont need love, and that we just want it. But I think we need love. It is human nature to be surrounded by people, we need that companionship, and we were made to couple off and create future generations. We were not made to be alone. I think we need laughter to keep our souls young. We need to smile to exercise our 52 facial muscles. We need to feel emotions; we need to cry and experience tragedy...because as discussed in class... tragedy or sadness always returns to laughter...anything and everything can be argued for a needful thing... only each person knows what the truly needful thing is in their life.

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